

National Pollutant Inventory Reporting and other Environment Related Consultancy Services for Australian Industry

ACN 660 411 692

Telephone:   0412 621480  or    E-mail: peter@NPIplus.com.au


NPI reporting changes for the 2008-2009 reporting period

One of the main changes in NPI reporting for 2008-2009 is the requirement to estimate and report the amount of NPI substances in waste materials (‘Transfers’).

Section 4 of The NPI Guide Version 5 explains in broad terms the steps to estimate and report the amount of NPI substances in transfers of waste within and from an NPI reporting site.

A more detailed explanation of the requirements with respect to Transfers is presented in an NPI publication called Transfers Information Booklet - Version 2 released in March 2009.

Detailed case studies for the following industries are given in the document:

  1. Landfill operations
  2. Sewage treatment operations
  3. Cement operations
  4. Paper and pulp operations
  5. Plastics and chemical operations
  6. Mining operations
  7. Wine manufacturing
  8. Intensive agriculture
  9. Power stations
  10. Petroleum exploration, production and refining

If you need to report to the NPI please read The NPI Guide Version 5 and Transfers Information Booklet - Version 2 carefully to maximise the chance of meeting all reporting requirements.

Please contact peter@NPIplus.com.au if you have any questions about how NPI+ can help you meet the requirements of the NPI for the 2008-2009 reporting period.

Or you can contact the relevant government agency in your state as shown here on the NPI government website.

News item added 28 June 2009, by Peter Eriksen

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Website updated 1 July, 2022